Let's start with the 16th. I was spotting. I've NEVER done that before during a pregnancy. I felt like I was going to start my period. I just wanted to curl up in bed. So I did. I only had Elysia and Bella that night, so I pulled them into bed with me, rented a movie on demand and went to sleep. The morning of the 17th, I woke up and called David. I told him I was spotting and he told me to call the DR as soon as they opened. Which, I did. They told me to come in at my earliest convenience.
I got the girls up and we went and got David from the airport. Then they dropped me off at the DR. He told me there probably wasn't anything to worry about. That a pocket of blood sometimes forms called a Subchorionic Hemorrhage. But that it's usually minimal and nothing threatening. He did a vaginal ultrasound and found that the hemorrhage had formed a clot that had separated the placenta from my uterus and cut of all nourishment to the baby. There was no longer a heart beat and not blood flow to the placenta or baby.
He offered to operate to remove the baby, or to give me medicine to help it get done faster. I was holding on to some hope that it was a fluke and would be ok and told him I'd let it happen on it's own.
About 1 am on the 18th, I passed a mass about the size of my fist, and it was over.
We were heart broken. David even had a rough time with it. But it is what it is. Baby Joey had a heart beat. And we love him. But The Lord knows what he's doing.
In the mean time, after the Dr, we met Jake and Tiffany over at their house, so we could go sign the papers to make it OUR house.
3900 sq ft. 1/2 acre of land. All ours!!!