Today's Quote

“As parents, we should remember that our lives may be the book from the family library which the children most treasure. Are our examples worthy of emulation? Do we live in such a way that a son or a daughter may say, ‘I want to follow my dad,’ or ‘I want to be like my mother’? Unlike the book on the library shelf, the covers of which shield its contents, our lives cannot be closed. Parents, we truly are an open book in the library of learning of our homes.” Thomas S Monson

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

I like so many others feel quite blessed.... although I think due to to lack of the proper amount of sleep, the Girls (specifically the 2 older ones) have been a little bit like little Terrorists today (sabotaging and undermining EVERYTHING)....

Due to our current financial situation, it's been a modest celebration. However, we were able to spend yesterday doing what I LOVED and it was one of the best days I can even imagine. That combined with David's kindness and hard work over the past 36 hours or so really makes it absolutely WONDERFUL.

David spent a block of time last night after we went to bed telling me how much he appreciates what I do as a The Mother of His Children, and how much he loves me.

This morning, he got up with the Children, and at 9:30 am (at LEAST an hour and a half after the Children got up) he brought them upstairs to wake me up with "Happy Mother's Day."

We made it to Sacrament Meeting, however right before it started, a girl from our Ward threw up all down the hall. So with Ginger's Girls being sick and from the sounds and looks of it, something yucky going around, we decided after they passed out the Single Long Stemmed Rose to each Mother, to head home.

After helping me get the Children into the house, David set about cleaning the kitchen and making Deviled Eggs while I leisurely napped in the recliner while the Children watched "Alice In Wonderland."

*Sigh* (GOOD Sigh! ;-)

This is how we GOT four Children. ;-) They say it takes a Woman HOURS to work up to a fulfilling sexual experience... and it starts with how Her Husband treats her when they first speak or see eachother for the day. Because that is going to determine whether she feels loved and cared for enough to even WANT to be intimate. Then, as the day progresses and they share experiences, it can progress, until finally when the Children are in bed, and the house is settled, she feels content, and full of LOVE for him as she cuddles up next to him. And THAT is what determines the level of intimacy and fulfillment that comes from their time together.

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