Today's Quote

“As parents, we should remember that our lives may be the book from the family library which the children most treasure. Are our examples worthy of emulation? Do we live in such a way that a son or a daughter may say, ‘I want to follow my dad,’ or ‘I want to be like my mother’? Unlike the book on the library shelf, the covers of which shield its contents, our lives cannot be closed. Parents, we truly are an open book in the library of learning of our homes.” Thomas S Monson

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Decorating for Christmas

I wasn't going to decorate because I'm hoping that we'll be moving by Jan 1st or maybe even Christmas and the last thing I need right now is more to have to pack and organize.... and since it's already packed up.... well, I'm sure you get the point.

Anyhow, David told me that he wants to move before Christmas so that we can have Christmas decorations up.

I have lost a couple of Friendships this week that I'm pretty sad about. And I don't understand what exactly happened, so I'm even more down about it.

SO, I decided the best way to pull out of it was to decorate for Christmas.

I'm glad too because it HAS helped a lot, and I realized that all of the stuff I'm taking down in exchange for the Christmas decorations can go straight into boxes or totes.

I got David to let me get a couple of new Scentsy Warmers too.
Possessions don't take the place of Friendships, but doing something like Christmas decorating and buying new stuff always seems to help. It's like ice cream. Ice cream can fix ANYTHING ;-)

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