Today's Quote

“As parents, we should remember that our lives may be the book from the family library which the children most treasure. Are our examples worthy of emulation? Do we live in such a way that a son or a daughter may say, ‘I want to follow my dad,’ or ‘I want to be like my mother’? Unlike the book on the library shelf, the covers of which shield its contents, our lives cannot be closed. Parents, we truly are an open book in the library of learning of our homes.” Thomas S Monson

Friday, January 28, 2011

Writer/Reader Trust

Let's talk about this for a second:

I write down the things that are going on in my life and my feelings, and I keep my blog open for anyone to read because A) It helps me be a stronger, healthier person. B) I hope it may help someone else. And C) Because I am NOT perfect, but I have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING I am ashamed of, or need to hide.

But I in turn trust that if you are reading my Blog, it is because you either care about me, are interested in what I have to say (because it has value), or I am helping you.

If this is not the case, you need to go mind your own business.

I do NOT think it is fair for me to open up the way I do, and then hear that it is Playground Gossip.

ESPECIALLY those of you who keep your life completely private and share NOTHING.

I will not be going private, but I will not be bullied. I will not play High School; and I will NOT play that I am part of the "Mean Girls" scenario, and am the hopeless victim.

I am a GREAT asset to people who matter and value me. And I am CERTAINLY not any worse at being a Friend, Wife, Mom, Daughter or any other Relationship type function than those of you who are using my blog for entertainment or to gossip about.

You know if it's you.

You know if it's not.

You know and I know. Just remember that.

And to those of you who read this for the reasons that I started with. Thank you for your support and I hope I have helped you in some way.

To those of you who are malicious about your intentions, SERIOUSLY! Don't you have anything better to do? Your not perfect, and your self esteem must SUCK!

PLEASE do yourself and everyone.... especially your KIDS a favor, and find a better use of your time and attention.

1 comment:

Amberleah said...

I understand this one fully! Even if it was a year ago, xoxo :-)
