Today's Quote

“As parents, we should remember that our lives may be the book from the family library which the children most treasure. Are our examples worthy of emulation? Do we live in such a way that a son or a daughter may say, ‘I want to follow my dad,’ or ‘I want to be like my mother’? Unlike the book on the library shelf, the covers of which shield its contents, our lives cannot be closed. Parents, we truly are an open book in the library of learning of our homes.” Thomas S Monson

Monday, September 3, 2012

I keep yelling about My Position, now it's time to SHOW!

They say that it's "Better to keep your mouth shut, and be thought a Fool. Than it is to Open it and PROVE yourself a Fool."


I HAVE tried over the years to abide by this. But I hated everyone assuming I'm a Fool. So I've yelled and yelled My Position on EVERYTHING! And NO ONE seems to know my position. Or that I'm NOT an Uneducated Fool.

*However, I AM please to announce that it seems to be starting to be proven as time passes the Fruits of My Labors. How decisions I made years ago, and have stood by despite EVERYONE telling me I was wrong, are starting to be viewed as "Maybe she DID know what she was doing AFTER ALL!"*


Here is My Declaration. These are things I stand FIRMLY on and will stand by. Here is My Position.

1)I Home School. I don't know if there will EVER be a time when that will change. I doubt it. I KNOW that what I am choosing by choosing to keep My Children out of Public School is THE BEST ANSWER. I PRAY My Children won't resent me for it. I have them in Dance, Soccer, and Music with Me. We go ALL OVER THE PLACE and they learn a LOT! Holly said to me "I hope YOU don't resent you for it." And THAT was a Moment of Truth. Where I realized that I WOULD resent myself if I caved, and against my KNOWING that I shouldn't, put them in Public School anyway.

2)I believe in MODERATION. In ALL things. Not abstaining. Not over indulging. EXCEPT when it comes to illegal drugs and tobacco. In reference to THOSE, I believe in ABSOLUTE abstinence.

3)I believe that we have money for what is important to us. And can't find money for the things that aren't. And SOME people have their priorities on this topic SERIOUSLY F*'d up!!!!!!!!!!!

4)I am NOT perfect. I've made LOTS of mistakes. And yes, that is part of why people still wonder where I stand. Because I'm not 100% perfectly consistent. I'm still learning. And I'm ALWAYS working to find that balance of moderation. And I am AMAZINGLY better today than I was a week ago.

5)I believe in CONSTANTLY evolving (If I'm doing this correctly, you should be seeing how all of these are flowing together. One statement flows off of and is an extension 0f the last)

6)EMPATHY is something I cannot preach ENOUGH about. I believe THE WORST CRIME you can commit against another Human Being is cutting them down rather than taking the time to understand where they are coming from, where they are trying, and where they are struggling. As long as they are still making an EFFORT, I will give them the benefit of the doubt. HOWEVER, Once someone PROVES their motives are nothing but malice, I cut my empathy off and cauterize it! I do Forgive easily as part of having Empathy. I accept "I'm Sorry" pretty readily and will ALWAYS offer a 2nd chance.

7)I will NOT be abused. Nor will I allow My Family to be abused... by ANYONE. Including myself and each other.

8)I stand 100% by MY RIGHT and ability to be free from the meddling of others. To be in a Traditional Partnership with My Husband that has sole authority over Our Family with God's guidance. I have a conscience. I have common sense. I reserve the right to teach, discipline and protect My Family and assets according to our beliefs of what is or is NOT acceptable.

9) I believe in NOT being a Lemming. PERIOD. Thinking outside the box is EXPECTED!

I have an ENORMOUS capacity for understanding and love.

I am VERY intelligent.

And NOTHING is just chance.... I am a planner, a plotter, and a schemer. You can be assured that EVERY decision I make takes the 9 points above into EXTREME consideration.

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