Today's Quote

“As parents, we should remember that our lives may be the book from the family library which the children most treasure. Are our examples worthy of emulation? Do we live in such a way that a son or a daughter may say, ‘I want to follow my dad,’ or ‘I want to be like my mother’? Unlike the book on the library shelf, the covers of which shield its contents, our lives cannot be closed. Parents, we truly are an open book in the library of learning of our homes.” Thomas S Monson

Monday, August 20, 2012

Somethings are predictable.... like Death and Taxes. Oh and people WILL talk

One of my recent Blog posts lost me another "Friend." SURPRISE! Um, NOT!!!! My Blog posts always seem to have that affect. STUPID, it is! People just take themselves way too seriously. And they get permanently offended by temporary issues. Surprisingly enough, the post had nothing to do with them, but they insist it did! And they have with held permission for me to talk or blog about them. Sorry Honey, I can say whatever I choose. That's the thing. This isn't the first person over the weekend (which I've spent VERY sick, BTW) that has suggested I don't share what I know about them. But BOTH of these people are major Gossip Spreaders. And beacause of them PLUS one other incident early in the weekend, I realized something. PEOPLE ARE GOING TO TALK ABOUT YOU. It doesn't matter who you are. It doesn't matter what you do. It may be good. It may be bad. But they are GOING to talk. The thing to do about it, instead of getting your panties in a bunch, is to give them as much positive to say as possible. I had someone say once about me that "She may be crazy, but I get her crazy (I get the reasons behind her "crazy")." And you know, that's about all I ever ask. You may not agree with how I am. You may not like or agree with how I do things. But if you can at least see the logic, or reasons and understand THAT, I'll take it as at LEAST neutral. If the only thing you have to say about me is neutral, then I'm doing alright ;-) And if you are able to share good things about me. Even better. The ONLY control one has over what people say about them, is how much ammunition they willingly provide against themselves. If you want to control what people say about you, limit what you share. Let them make stuff up when they're bored. BS dies quickly when they run out of things to make up about you. You want to limit your enemies if you don't want negative things being said. And freaking out insisting that people don't talk about you, only creates them. Your Friends are GOING to talk about you. Hopefully all positive, and never private matters, BUT they WILL talk. Your Family are GOING to talk about you. Again, HOPEFULLY all positive, and never private matters. BUT THEY WILL TALK. Your enemies ARE GOING TO TALK ABOUT YOU! So try to neutralize what they have to say. Make sure you're a person of intergrity, so that the worst they can say is "I don't like them, but that's about it." But they WILL talk. So MOVE ON!!!! Surround yourself with people you can trust. But DON'T freak out when you suspect you were the topic of conversation. If someone DOES blog about you. See it as being interesting enough that you left a lasting impression. But if you go FLYING OFF THE HANDLE when you ASSUME a post is about you, you just might make a new enemy.

Friday, August 10, 2012

YES! It makes sense!!!

I was talking with a couple of AMAZING Girl Friends tonight. And something one of them said was very interesting in respect to the way the Priesthood is "run" in our church. And I realized something. Let me back up to another topic that comes full circle: We were talking about jerky ex-husbands. And how they tend to try to persuade other people to see them as the Victim, or Good Guy in a divorce. And how damaging it can be to the other party in the relationship. And it brings me back to one of my favorite subjects.... Karma. Things evening out in the end, and such. People in general aren't as blind to the difference between a "Good" person, and a "Bad" person as we might think, or they may appear. Most people react to them differently out of intution. And when you have a yucky person trying to pretend to be not yucky, I am really learning that most people catch on. And then it goes into the church. A person gets into serious trouble and faces disciplinary action with the church because of a choice they made. And when they try to reconcile with the church, sometimes, it doesn't go so smoothly. IE they may go into their respective clergy and ask to be reinstated into full fellowship, and be told "Not yet." And it may not always be obvious why they are being denied. But very often there is a reason.... as in, someone in the line of Heiarchy that makes has a hand in the decision whether or not to allow the reconciliation, doesn't feel quite right about it. And denies the request. And maybe, just maybe, it's because they see something in the person, or situation that just doesn't quite click as valid enough to allow them to be fully involved yet. And I like how it just makes sense on a level where it turns into and "Ah Hah" moment.
