Today's Quote

“As parents, we should remember that our lives may be the book from the family library which the children most treasure. Are our examples worthy of emulation? Do we live in such a way that a son or a daughter may say, ‘I want to follow my dad,’ or ‘I want to be like my mother’? Unlike the book on the library shelf, the covers of which shield its contents, our lives cannot be closed. Parents, we truly are an open book in the library of learning of our homes.” Thomas S Monson

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election 2012 comes to an end

In our home, we have used the election as a chance for educating Our Children. We (I can't speak for David, but considering what he has said in the past, I can guess he agrees) are a "We'd like a new President" household. So, we have included this in our prayers as a Family. We would really like the election to end with a change of habitation in the White House.

However, I have also discussed with the Children that if Obama wins, that doesn't mean their prayers weren't heard. It just means God has a different plan in mind, and that's OK.

So, now we wait :-)

The right to vote

OMG! I just read an article that said that in Philadelphia and Ohio the Black Panthers (an anti white group similar in nature to the KKK) has turned out to intimidate voters.

And then, the update said that there are Navy Seals who may turn out to battle these bullies.

And I am in tears!!!!

Because My heart is soooo full knowing that our Military is so GOOD! So Brave. So determined to see right prevail.

No matter WHO they vote for, these Americans have the God Given Right to go into these places and vote for who they want to lead them. Un assaulted.

God BLESS those who will stop at NOTHING to protect our freedoms.

God Grant us a President who will care as much as they do.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Children will Listen!

Elizabeth asked if Glee was on tonight. I said no. It won't be on again until after the Election. She was openly exasperated over that. She stated something along the lines of how stupid it is that we have to miss our shows for this election.

I explained that the election is important. It decides who the next President of our country will be and in turn decides so many things about our future.

I then explained that I feel this election is important enough that I am fasting this Sunday... since it is Fast Sunday. And asking people I know to join me in my fast.

She has asked to join the fast on Sunday.

I agreed that she could. I told her younger sisters that I will not allow THEM to. They are too young.

I don't mean this is any way prideful. However, can you imagine the miracles that could possibly come as David, Myself and our SWEET 9 year old join together to fast for something important to us?

David and I together, ok. Great.

But you add that SWEET, Innocent Baby of Mine!

Angels will be attending to her sweet prayers.

I could NOT be more "Proud" of her right now. And I feel like I've actually made a positive step in her life :-)

What more could a Mother ask for?!
