Today's Quote

“As parents, we should remember that our lives may be the book from the family library which the children most treasure. Are our examples worthy of emulation? Do we live in such a way that a son or a daughter may say, ‘I want to follow my dad,’ or ‘I want to be like my mother’? Unlike the book on the library shelf, the covers of which shield its contents, our lives cannot be closed. Parents, we truly are an open book in the library of learning of our homes.” Thomas S Monson

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Sooooo S-A-D

Ok. So I HATE the situations that put us back in High School, and unfortunately, that seems to be the sum of my writings lately.

I guess if these are my biggest issues at the moment, I should be grateful for the lull! ;-)

The problem is that out of NO Where, Katie Grange and Adam Peeples are EVERYWHERE I turn. It's like they crawled out from under their rocks and started making sure they INFILTRATED my life. In just the past month, it seems they have found the need to solicit every close friend of mine that they know for friendship.

That is one thing I am grateful for. Is that all of you, even though a few of you have known me that long, were not intimately associated with me in High School. Because you make life GROWN UP for me now. But thanks for listening to me whine about High School problems anyway.

Anyhow, I've dealt with the Adam "thing" so now onto Katie.

Here's what brings her up THIS time: She has joined a group on FB called "The Moment of Glory when you realize everyone hates the person you hate."

Well, that would be ME!

Yes, it sounds awfully vain, however, I know Katie all too well. And sad as it is, for what EVER reason it is that she "hates" me, I know for a FACT that I am the only person to have the privilege of owning that particular honor.

And I know that it was a triumphant moment for her when her Family sided with her after I "let them down."

But I know this: Jared doesn't hate me. He hates himself. I am the scapegoat because he can't face the fact that HE screwed up. And his Parents only "hate" me because they feel sooooo let down by my "betrayal."

Other than that, I can't think of a single person who has a real issue with me... hahahaha.... besides Adam Peeples.

It's amazing though, because Katie has had a "hate" for me for over a decade. And NO ONE, not even her family knows exactly why. They have however stated that she has so many issues anyway, that I should take it as a compliment. Her poor Husband had dinner with Jared and I one night. He is sooo miserable. But he stays with her for the sake of their 2 children. This sounds so mean of me.... but the sad truth is that I have heard this from their own mouths.

The rest of her family, besides those already mentioned don't care enough to have a problem with me.

Soooo, now that I've completely begun to sound 18 and immature, here's the reason I brought this up.

First, because Katie and I cannot stop crossing paths. She is on so many of the same Friends lists that I am on, it's not even funny. You will literally see: "So and so is now friends with Katie Halladay" (her married name), and the next posting is "So and so is now friends with Candace Rose." Or one of my friends will post something, and I will comment. And the very next comment on there is hers.

Here's the thing about it: I was born on Oct 19Th. Katie on Oct 25Th. We "liked" almost all of the same guys in High School.... which I dated, and even shared the same taste AFTER... which she married. No joke, we even picked out the exact same High School ring without knowing until we picked them up that we had. And not even joking, I always wanted to name a daughter Jessica Lynn.... and Katie, being married 4 years earlier than I was, had a daughter right away named Jessica Lynn. SO how ironic when we almost end up Sisters-in-law! YES that would have been too much. I don't know how we would have even survived a Family get together.... well, actually, I do because I went camping with her (Jared's) family the week before Jared and I called things off. And I was able to enjoy myself while she sulked in her tent the entire day.

The second reason I bring this up is this: I am so grateful to have so much joy and love in my life that I don't have room for the negativity that she seems to bask in willingly. I thought about it.... hating her, after I saw that group on her profile. But as I was thinking about it, I was rocking Jacob. And any room for those negative feelings was non existent. If she has room for that kind of stuff, more power to her. But I don't. And I am immensely grateful for that.

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