Today's Quote

“As parents, we should remember that our lives may be the book from the family library which the children most treasure. Are our examples worthy of emulation? Do we live in such a way that a son or a daughter may say, ‘I want to follow my dad,’ or ‘I want to be like my mother’? Unlike the book on the library shelf, the covers of which shield its contents, our lives cannot be closed. Parents, we truly are an open book in the library of learning of our homes.” Thomas S Monson

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Nuh uh!

I would like for one day to see myself through the average person I associate with's eyes.

I can only guess that I come across as an immature, bratty, only child who wants what I want and doesn't have a whole lot of wisdom to pull from for my decisions.

I assume this is what people say because it seems normal for people with HALF my experience to think I need to be told how to be a successful adult. I get what I would considered bullied quite a bit. Like I'm a ditsy blonde who just bobs along, and "Candace "blonde" jokes" about my inadequacies in life are funny.

Let me tell you the TRUTH.

I have a TON of life experience. I know a LOT about a LOT of things. I have experienced a LOT of things. (Computers and phones are NOT included in that, I really am dumb when those are involved)

After FIVE kids, I know a significant amount about the general task of parenthood. I don't suffer from "I had no siblings to practice on so I know nothing about taking care of a child" syndrome. I've had FOUR to practice on.

I know what is acceptable to me and what just isn't. And I'm not willing to tolerate what I don't like just to keep things happy.

I know exactly what is possible with time, energy and resources. I HATE excuses. HATE HATE HATE excuses. I have kept a Family of 6 satisfactorily clothed, fed, and cared for on below poverty level wages at times. And we still have the ability to celebrate peoples' birthdays with them, or go to a movie with a friend that we haven't seen in a while.

I KNOW exactly how much of an art Parenthood is. That it is a precise juggling act. And while I may not be perfect at it, you may want to think twice before treating me like a dumb 21 year old blonde with no life experience.

WAY TOO MANY people underestimate the impact of living 200+ miles from where you grew up. You HAVE to do it to understand. And I'm learning really quickly that many LDS members who have never left Utah except to go on vacation and I don't get a long.

Anyone who has always lived in Utah who has dealt with persecution for lifestyle choices, or who has been in the military or served a mission will understand what I am saying.... and these are the people I get along with. "Cookie Cutter" Mormons under the age of 35 are generally to0 closed minded for us to have a quality relationship. Even those who have gone to school outside of a 100 mile radius of where they grew up share this distinguishing characteristic. Because they GET it. Those who are over 25 and still single.... they get it too. There is a definite experience that comes from living by your own testimony, survival skills, etc that just can't be gained from a "cookie cutter" life. SO, while that life is fine, don't treat me like I don't know anything.

And while we're at it. I HATE one sided relationships. HATE HATE HATE THEM!!! As long as someone is willing to make an effort to be a part of my life, they are going to be treated like GOLD! They deserve that. It is such a wonderful thing to have someone care about what's going on in your life. And be there to boost you up when things get into a slump. I don't invite people to things over and over again for any reason but that I care about them, and want to include them. But this seems to be the most offensive thing I do. People seem turned off by the inclusion. So, I won't include them anymore.

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