I don't get a self esteem boost from others mishaps, misfortunes, or other things that bring them down. I don't get to the top of the bucket, by pulling down and stepping on those in my way.
I do however, get a self esteem boost from the realization that as I patiently sit back and offer to be everyone's Friend, don't pull down or step on those in my way, and slowly but steadily work my way through life while karma smiles on me more and more for my willingness to be kind and sit back rather than beat people down, I am sitting comfortably in a good position. Yes, higher than those who have pushed me down to get where they think they are. You see, those who push others down, ultimately get caught in the rat race where they push and step and then someone else does it to them. And it's a battle for as long as they think that's the way to do it.
People like me who don't push and step on people get through because no one thinks we're the one to "beat".
I had a few encounters this weekend that showed me this.
It felt good, and always does, to feel like the way I am handling my life is working.
And it's not the superficial feel good. It's the kind that goes deep because you know that it's a virtuous feel good.
And YES, that makes me superior ;-)
One thing you can always rest assured on: I will never stab you in the back, steal your baby names, steal your friends, or betray you. That's not the way I roll ;-)
Oh, and how I feel about you will never be based on how pretty, or skinny you are or how much money you make!