Today's Quote

“As parents, we should remember that our lives may be the book from the family library which the children most treasure. Are our examples worthy of emulation? Do we live in such a way that a son or a daughter may say, ‘I want to follow my dad,’ or ‘I want to be like my mother’? Unlike the book on the library shelf, the covers of which shield its contents, our lives cannot be closed. Parents, we truly are an open book in the library of learning of our homes.” Thomas S Monson

Monday, May 7, 2012

House Rules

Ok, so I am really amazed that I even have to come up with this. But things I thought were basic common sense/basic respect, are appearantly NOT. If it's on the 1st part of the list, I guarantee my word that I will never, nor will I EVER allow my children to do it in your home. I will begin with the ones that are what I deem common sense/courtesy. And end with the ones that are specific to MY HOME, and are not something someone would think of automatically. 1) No jumping on the Furniture. 2) No throwing. 3) Stay out of My Dishwasher. If you need a clean dish, check the cupboards. If it's in the dishwasher, it's either dirty, or it's clean and I want it to stay in there (I often have clean, sanitized baby stuff in there. Please leave it alone.) If what you need isn't in the cupboards, ask. Don't just go searching. Don't just start putting stuff in there. you could very well be mixing dirty dishes with clean dishes, and I don't need the extra work, thanks. 4) If you create/bring the mess, you clean it up/take it with you. 5) Do Not break, smash, or slam toys into walls. I don't CARE if they're just kids. we're not going to SUGGEST they respect our home. We're going to EXPECT it. And the Parents need to do the same. 6) YOU are responsible for your kids. If your child is jumping on the bed, and I have said "Please don't." The next time it happens is YOUR responsibility. If your child wants something to eat or drink, you need to wait on them. I already have 5. ******************************************************* 1) NO SHOES on the carpet. NONE. NADA. NON. Ne. Nej. Nein. Don't come in, remove your shoes, and when it's time to leave, put them on and then walk through my living room. (It's a Really common thing that people do.) I have Booties to go over your shoes, but they are reserved for really select situations. Not just anyone who doesn't want to bother taking their shoes off. 2) The entry way/kitchen in my home is Not a play area. Think about it. Do your kids really play in your entry way? I have observed many homes, and it's NOT a "normal place" for playing. That's where the door opens and closes and people come in and then go on their way. Mine is no different. ( I GET that in some homes, especially older ones, there is no separation of the entry way and living areas. But in newer homes or split level homes, there is a DEFINITE separation, and in MY home, the entry way is not in the main stream area at ALL.) I don't baby proof my kitchen. NOTHING in there is for playing with. Our toys and Children stay in the carpeted areas of our home. Bathrooms are not for playing in either. 3) Your child's potty issues are YOUR responsibility. If they need help, you need to be helping them. I don't want to clean up my OWN Family's bodily fluids/excretions. I CERTAINLY don't want to clean up their's... or YOURS. (see #4 above.) And they (as well as you) need to wash your hands after using the bathroom, cleaning up a bodily fluid/excretion mess, or changing a poopy diaper in my home. I don't care what you do in yours. 4) Don't change a poopy diaper in the middle of my living room unless it's a child under the age of 8 or 9 months. Once they are having "big kid" poops, you are welcome to use the changing table or bathroom. ESPECIALLY when there is a crowd of people in my home. Sorry if any of you think that this post is seriously over board. And "Boy does she have a rigid way of existing." But think about it. This is really all pretty common sense. It's respectful. It makes our time together more enjoyable, and means that when you leave, I'm not thinking that "I don't ever want to do that again!"

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