Today's Quote

“As parents, we should remember that our lives may be the book from the family library which the children most treasure. Are our examples worthy of emulation? Do we live in such a way that a son or a daughter may say, ‘I want to follow my dad,’ or ‘I want to be like my mother’? Unlike the book on the library shelf, the covers of which shield its contents, our lives cannot be closed. Parents, we truly are an open book in the library of learning of our homes.” Thomas S Monson

Friday, May 4, 2012

Not in MY home you won't!!!!

Alright. The gloves are coming off on THIS pet peeve. Do Not EVER come into my Home and disrespect me. I don't care how close we are. I don't care if you're super duper comfortable with me. If I want to open the cupboards, pull every single dish out, and declare them dirty and fill up the sink with sparkling clean dishes to wash all over again, it is MY choice in MY home. Now, if you want to choose to not associate with me because you find that to be abusive to my Husband and kids, or that just made it so there were no dishes to be used and I invited you over for dinner and now there's no way to eat, FINE. But if you don't want to be my Friend just over the act of putting all my clean dishes in the sink, you're shallow. I am AMAZED at how many people come into my home and criticize me. In My Home!!!! It's like I have a sign on my wall that says "Feel Free to Tell me just how dis satisfied you are with MY way of doing things." The biggest reasons I HATE this trend is A) It's Just Plain Disrespectful and B) I would never DREAMof doing it to someone else. Unless the way you do things in your home reflects poorly on me or affects My Family directly, I will keep my mouth SHUT!!!!! It's NOT my place to criticize you. EVEN if it's bad for YOUR family to live in the environment you provide. If I don't like the environment, I don't have to be in it. Now, I would hope that you might choose to take me aside and have the assertiveness and respect to talk to me if there's a problem. For example: "Candace, I know it's your home, but I don't like to come over because I find some of your rules a bit much." (VS "I don't do THAT!" or "I can't believe you do THAT!" or "Why can't you do that differently?") And I can then explain why I do things the way I do and see if we can reach a compromise. Or you can always take me aside or have a conversation privately with me about things that are an issue for you when it comes to safety or any other topic about how I do things. And because My Friends and Family are INCREDIBLY important to me, I would be HAPPY to see if there is a way to help make us BOTH comfortable.... because I would LOVE to continue to have the people I care about feel comfortable and be a part of our home. ******************************************************** It was really interesting to me the other day when we were at Temple Square, to be sitting by the fountain, looking at the Temple and have a group of people walk over, take some pictures of eachother with the Temple as the backdrop, and then very bluntly mock and criticize how the Temple works. One of the things I believe The LDS Church is unfortunately good at, is allowing people to openly criticize their standards on their turf. But I just couldn't help but think that if you're going to mock, do it outside of the Church's buildings and property. And this is how I feel about MY home. Criticize all you want.... Somewhere else. If you choose, when I am at YOUR home, feel FREE to point out how much better your way of doing things is. But My Home is MY Temple. To worship how I choose. And to feel how I want to feel. People who can't show me THAT respect, will soon be hearing about it the moment they cross that line! I am DONE standing by and allowing it in My Home!!!

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