Today's Quote

“As parents, we should remember that our lives may be the book from the family library which the children most treasure. Are our examples worthy of emulation? Do we live in such a way that a son or a daughter may say, ‘I want to follow my dad,’ or ‘I want to be like my mother’? Unlike the book on the library shelf, the covers of which shield its contents, our lives cannot be closed. Parents, we truly are an open book in the library of learning of our homes.” Thomas S Monson

Thursday, January 10, 2013

And now, the rest of the story ;-)

A status I posted on FB about needing a Mental Health Day, of COURSE can't stay "Drama Free"

This post:

"David comes home in 6 (or 7) days. I am getting to that point where when he walks through the door, I'm walking out, and not coming back for at least 3!!! Who's with me ;-)"

Got responses like:

Mark: "if u walk away it will show that u don't love him that much", and Stacy: "ok i will just leave it at that u don't know how it feels to not be able to be a mother i would give anything to be one and the only people who understand how i feel are ones who cant have children its very hard."

(of course, I had my Comrades.. who get it... defending my statement, and I ♥ them for that!!!)

But here is the ONE response I had to "bite my tongue" on (literary speaking, of course)... and I am posting it HERE:

"Stacy, I get it! You don't know my whole story. What I may/may not have had to go through to get My Family. But YOU are not seeing what we're saying: I'm NOT frustrated. And EVERYONE needs a Mental Health day!"


Alicia said...

Granted, I don't know Stacy at all and I don't want to in any way judge her situation. I don't know the kind of strength it takes to struggle with infertility and I don't understand that kind of heartbreak HOWEVER...I have to say that I was a little offended by her using that painful part of her life to make mothers who need a break feel guilty for needing a break. If/when she has children, hopefully she will be able to understand: needing a break is not being ungrateful for or unloving towards your children/family! It is the opposite! Does she sometimes need a break while she's hiking or running or biking? But surely someone who can't walk would NEVER need a break from using their legs if only they could use them...

Candace said...

Thank you, Alicia!!!! <3

Alicia Mae said...

I am struggling with infertility right now, I also have 4 kids I am very grateful for. I like Candace need a break from my kids, I also reeeeally need a break from what used to fun of baby making. It like the joy of kids has become work. Every OK me need a break so their joy stays a joy and doesn't become a chore....
