Today's Quote

“As parents, we should remember that our lives may be the book from the family library which the children most treasure. Are our examples worthy of emulation? Do we live in such a way that a son or a daughter may say, ‘I want to follow my dad,’ or ‘I want to be like my mother’? Unlike the book on the library shelf, the covers of which shield its contents, our lives cannot be closed. Parents, we truly are an open book in the library of learning of our homes.” Thomas S Monson

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Yes, it's ok to not follow blindly

A blog called "Pure Mormonism" posted the following: "Something really weird happened yesterday. During the general conference of the church, Elder Dieter Uchtdorf presented the names of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles for a sustaining vote. When he asked for any opposed to manifest their votes, a handful of members responded by shouting, "Opposed."

But that wasn't the weird part. What was weird was the reaction of otherwise faithful latter-day Saints who felt those who voted in opposition were somehow out of line. Some described those who voted in opposition as "hecklers," which reveals their ignorance of the meaning of words as much as it does their understanding of church protocol."

The voting system was set up for these "opposers" to handle it JUST as they did.  And it does NOT make them bad people!

As David and I discussed this and other problem areas of the general membership of the church, I realized that the overwhelming and prominent problem is that we mortals have a "God complex". We think WE are the ones in charge.  We think WE have the right to limit God's power and tell Him what He can and can't accept.

And that's just not accurate.  HE, not WE is God after all. "As God is, we CAN become."  But it's the simple example of a parent and a child.  He IS the parent.  We HOPE to someday become a parent too.  But we have to learn, grow and EARN that position.  It isn't just ours upon birth.

My GOOD Friend, Ashley, shared a very sacred experience with me where she told me that she has seen heaven and hell.  And that Hell is just a "Hospital" of sorts for the broken in Heaven. And I accept her description as completely viable.

THINK about it.  Not with YOUR limits.  But possibilities.

God is our FATHER.  If YOU had 2,000,000,000,000 children, would you only care about 10? Or ONE? Not if you were THE Perfect Parent.  And if they were mean to eachother, would you tell them they could never be with you again?  NOT if you were the PERFECT Parent.  You would put them in time out when needed.  Take away their privileges. You would take them to get medical/psychological help if needs be.  But you would NEVER, EVER leave them behind.

Why do we think God .... THE PERFECT PARENT, is different?  God is Love.  Love does not give up on nor abandon the imperfect.  Love succors and heals. No matter HOW long it takes.  And God has ETERNITY to do it.  No limits.  No appointments to keep.

So, for us to say "He committed suicide, he is lost forever." Is NOT our call.

Which brings me back to the original point. At least one of the people who opposed the sustaining of church leaders on Sat did so because they had concerns with the excommunication of recent "Questioning" members.

Have you ever thought about what might happen in an eternal perspective if a person was "Accidentally" excommunicated?

Well, I promise you this:  God is smarter than mortals.  And just think about it from a parental perspective.  If your child was kicked out of school, would you accept the verdict, or research the information and decide for yourself if it was valid or not?  God KNOWS everything.  And He would KNOW if it was just or not.

Therefore, if it was NOT valid, why would he punish the person who did nothing wrong?  Remember, He's THE PERFECT PARENT.

Sadly, the general body of the church doesn't know this to be the case.  Because they DON'T question the "Norm."

TRUST the Leaders of the Church.  TRUST your GOD.  TRUST your Savior.  But that does NOT mean you can't question and test every principle. No, DON'T do drugs to see if their harmful, but do your research to find out exactly WHY they are/aren't safe. "Seek and ye shall find..." ASK for a testimony of WHY the church leaders mandate what they do.  And if you disagree with something, bring it up with your Bishop or Stake President.  DON'T go telling everyone it's WRONG.  DON'T broadcast your displeasure. PRAY about it.  STUDY about it.  TALK it over with Leaders. And SEEK for a resolution that is PLEASING to God.... your FATHER. And if you disagree with a person being sustained in a position of leadership, use the system that has been set forth and raise your hand in opposition.

And if you don't trust that will work, then the insecurity is with you, not Him. Because his system is perfect.

But PLEASE always remember that the SYSTEM is perfect... that DOES NOT MEAN the people are.

One of my BIGGEST pet peeves is people forsaking their God based on mortals.  It doesn't MATTER what a mortal says or does. It matters what your relationship with Your God is...

Because He is real.  And He is, above all other titles, YOUR PARENT.  And He Loves EVERY ONE of HIS Billions of Children PERFECTLY!

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