Today's Quote

“As parents, we should remember that our lives may be the book from the family library which the children most treasure. Are our examples worthy of emulation? Do we live in such a way that a son or a daughter may say, ‘I want to follow my dad,’ or ‘I want to be like my mother’? Unlike the book on the library shelf, the covers of which shield its contents, our lives cannot be closed. Parents, we truly are an open book in the library of learning of our homes.” Thomas S Monson

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Stupid, Stupid, Stupid!!!!

Sooooo.... Most of you know that the biggest reason David and I got a Divorce was because he had developed a very NASTY temper, and in my mind it had gotten WAY out of hand.

Most of the times his temper would flare, I was stupid enough to physically protect myself vs get the Hell out of there. When I felt threatened, my fight or flight reflex steared COMPLETELY to the stand my ground and fight side and well.... The police would get called, we would BOTH tell them that David was the aggressor. However, they had to look at the evidence on hand: He had scratches, I had nothing.... at least until a few days later when the nasty bruises would become obvious. But even on the occasions when the bruising was immediate, it was always somewhere where I could cover it, and I had learned not to trust the GRPD, so why give them more than they already had. DUMB move on my part in some ways, but hind sight is 20/20 and I think now that it was the best choice for protecting my Family. Sure, it meant I had to go through a really tough period: I was arrested 4 times, had to go through Anger Management, etc. However, my charges were dropped all but the 1st time and that was only because I decided to deal with a plea agreement vs subject us all to a trial. As I look back now, had David taken the heat like he "should" have (AND was willing to) He'd prolly be doing prison time (3 identical charges = a Felony). So, each time, I would be arrested, spend a day in jail, have to bail out etc. just for the County Prosecutor to realize in the end that they had nothing to really go after me with. What a waste. But again, it prolly saved us more than I ever realized until now.

BECAUSE.... One of the times, 2 years ago, David DID scratch ME and that meant I had easy to spot marks without waiting 24 hours for the bruising. He was not arrested (totally unfair, at the time) but he DID have to go to court. Every time something like this happens, the sentence comes with a min. 12 month Probation. Had he gotten in trouble for all of the other times, it would have been a violation of that probation and he would have been in a lot of trouble for THAT as well as the actual assault. (way detailed, I know, but seeing as most of you have been wise enough to bipass the system, I figured I'd explain.)

Well, during his 12 month probation, he didn't ever get his evaluation to see if he "needed" Anger Management or not. And I guess the Prosecutor has been keeping a closer eye on it than I would EVER have imagined.He got a letter a few months ago informing him that he was now being brought up on a probation violation charge for not completing the terms of his 12 month probation which SHOULD have ended a year ago.

He had to go to court today, and the BEAST of a Prosecutor (A "Woman" who was after me like a hound on a fox when it was MY turn to deal with the system) Decided she was going to get jail time out of him.STUPID, STUPID, STUPID!

There are REAL criminals out there, and this is what she's going after.David was sentenced to 7 days in jail. She WANTED 90. LUCKILY HIS attorney was able to convince her to drop it down to 1 weekend. SOOOOO, next Friday, he has to check in to the County Jail after work, and will check out at 6:00 am Monday morning. UGH!Sad to say it, but this is BEST CASE scenario, and I AM grateful. But again: STUPID!It means he gets to keep his job, and we get to keep him at home with us rather than him being gone for 7 to 90 days and losing his job.

But SERIOUSLY!I AM SO GRATEFUL it's not me. And there would have been a very small part of me 2 yrs ago that might have thought it was fair come about. However, even when the relationship between us was bad, I still tried to keep him out of jail.... and until now did a pretty good job of it! I mean I had NO intention of giving anyone the evidence hiding under my shirt sleeve that he had done any damage. That's another thing that bothers me. I was the "victim." And yet, without me saying a word for OR against him.... they will do as they please. I think that he is so low on the list of dangers to society that again, this is all just plain STUPID!

So, sadly enough, I am grateful that we got best case scenario. My life can remain stable, as well as the Children's. We lose very little in the long run. It's just the stupidity of it all that I hate.

I guess I remain grateful for Miracles... this one really IS big, and I do not want to lose sight of that!

Sorry to those of you who knew nothing of this! I hope you'll understand that we're not perfect, but are working VERY hard to become so. David and I have had to overcome some incredible obstacles, and are very pleased with the progress and outcome so far. We can truly say that we are commited to eachother and our Family... and making it an ETERNAL Family.

We love eachother and our children more than life itself. Please don't judge too harshly. :-)

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