Today's Quote

“As parents, we should remember that our lives may be the book from the family library which the children most treasure. Are our examples worthy of emulation? Do we live in such a way that a son or a daughter may say, ‘I want to follow my dad,’ or ‘I want to be like my mother’? Unlike the book on the library shelf, the covers of which shield its contents, our lives cannot be closed. Parents, we truly are an open book in the library of learning of our homes.” Thomas S Monson

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Judge not that ye be not judged

This past weekend was a profound weekend for me. I have had to remember that I am a Mature adult, and want to be seen as a Lady, not a Whiner. Whew! It's been tough. it's been hard because I cannot stand people who are closed minded and judgemental. Nor can I stand people who judge based off of very little life/world experience and are so certain that the way they view the world is correct, and anyone who disagrees is wrong. To some of you, this may be harsh. To others.. well, I KNOW some of you will get exactly what I mean... If you have NEVER lived outside of Utah, Never lived on your own (This means you were both not living with your significant other, AND not living with your parents) and/or if you have never had 0 money and a family to support, you don't know a whole lot about REAL LIFE. Yes, I am very sure of myself in this. Because I was once someone who had never left the security of the Salt Lake Valley except to vacation. I once moved from my Mother's to my Boyfriend's, and I once had 0 worries about how to support my family if and when I ever had one.

This is the "list" I came up with of criteria anyone who has the "right" to judge me has to meet before they have enough knowledge of who I am and what I've been through to judge me accurately.

*If you don't know the answer to at least ONE of the following questions, you don't know me well enough to judge me:
1- Why is Jacob not named David Tyler?
2- What took place Christmas night 2 years ago?
3- Why did I get a restraining order against, Divorce, and then Re-marry David after only 3 months of being divorced?
4- What incident in my life has made the biggest impact on how I have spent my Adult years?
5- Who raised me?
6- Why didn't I go on a mission?
7- How close did I come to going on a mission?
8- If you interviewed My Girls about Me, what would they say?
9- What do My Girls do when they feel I am threatened, and whom do they react this way towards?
10- How do I feel about the "Last Days"?
11- What kind of food storage do I have?
12- What do I consider critical items to own?

*If I wouldn't call you in a "Life or Death" situation, you don't know me well enough to judge me.

These are easy to answer if you've ever taken the time to get to know me. If you haven't.... please spare the judgements. They don't help either of us.

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