Today's Quote

“As parents, we should remember that our lives may be the book from the family library which the children most treasure. Are our examples worthy of emulation? Do we live in such a way that a son or a daughter may say, ‘I want to follow my dad,’ or ‘I want to be like my mother’? Unlike the book on the library shelf, the covers of which shield its contents, our lives cannot be closed. Parents, we truly are an open book in the library of learning of our homes.” Thomas S Monson

Friday, February 4, 2011

Why I can do it

The people I have been dealing with have ONE HUGE thing in common and it goes hand in hand with the one sided relationship topic. These 2 characteristics are present in ALL of the situations I have encountered between the "Blog War" and the Play Group scenario I have been talking about.

And what both characteristics (being unable to forgive and not allowing people to do things for them) point to is one key fact: They know NOTHING about the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

You see, I don't hold grudges, because He doesn't hold one against ME.

I don't call you names, or say "Look at her... hahaha" because He doesn't do it to ME.

I don't criticize your parenting or drag up all of your past mistakes, because He over looks and forgets MINE.

I don't want to be whipped over and over for something I said a year or 3 or even a month ago. So I don't do it.

If you have "demons" that you deal with that I know about, I will keep it to myself because I have my own and would want them to not be headline news.

I won't air a laundry list of your faults and "10 things I hate about you" because it's hurtful.

And that Man who forgives me, and overlooks MY laundry list of faults wouldn't like it. It would make HIS overlooking MY faults null and void. Why should He forgive MY Humanity if I then won't forgive yours.

If you were to EVER offer me an apology, I would accept it without a second thought. If you were to ever ask for my forgiveness, I would give it to you immediately!!!!! Who am I to deny you that?

I am not perfect. If I was, I wouldn't ever rant about injustices others carry out at my expense. But being human, that is one thing I do to work through it.

But you will NEVER hear or see me saying "I don't like her because of a),b),c),d)....." In fact you will never hear me say "I don't like her." At ALL. You are a Child of God, and Jesus Christ has deemed you just as worthy of compassion and love as the next person. So who am I to call you unworthy.

That doesn't mean I won't say "This really gets under my skin right now" or "That really hurt and makes my life harder."

But then I'm over it.

If you see me on the street the next day, I won't avoid you. I won't be unkind. I won't even think of what you did that hurt me so bad.

Because HE wouldn't do that to ME.

I may have a Hundred thousand faults that make me less than perfect.

But I trust that as long as I work every day to eliminate them to the very best of my ability, HE will look past them, and welcome me when the time comes to see Him again.

Who am I to hold YOUR Hundred thousand faults against YOU!

And Who are YOU to hold mine against me?

You are NOT HIM. And HE is GOD. If God can forgive when HE has more reason and power to NOT forgive, your inability to do so implies that you are superior to HIM.

As for ME, I am soooo grateful for His mercy and forgiveness. His unconditional love despite my failures and my screw ups that I will NEVER insult His graciousness by not extending mercy and forgiveness.

I will never deny others what He so lovingly gives me.

And I promise here and now that anyone who DOES deny others that mercy and forgiveness knows NOTHING of Him.

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