Today's Quote

“As parents, we should remember that our lives may be the book from the family library which the children most treasure. Are our examples worthy of emulation? Do we live in such a way that a son or a daughter may say, ‘I want to follow my dad,’ or ‘I want to be like my mother’? Unlike the book on the library shelf, the covers of which shield its contents, our lives cannot be closed. Parents, we truly are an open book in the library of learning of our homes.” Thomas S Monson

Sunday, June 20, 2010

My story

I met a new Friend the other day. And oddly enough, there is a connection that is odd, but real. She used to be in the Army. She is a Christian though not LDS. And she is very abrasive. After spending the day with her yesterday, I would actually say I am tame in comparison. She is quite a bit more abrasive than I am. But we get along. And it's the combination of things. A portion of it is the military part. She gets things about being a Mom and Woman who has been in the military that others cannot get who haven't been there. It's like trying to understand Mother Hood without being a Mother. It's not because there's something wrong with you (if you can't fully grasp it) it's because there are certain things in life that you just cannot fully understand without having experienced it for yourself.

I told her about a part of my history that I actually tell almost NO ONE. And with some, I have hinted at or touched on this particular story, but not actually come out with it in all of it's honesty. Because she doesn't understand certain parts of my belief system, I left some key details out.... but found other ways to get the point across. And now, I want to tell the story in it's entirety.

About 4 years ago, David and I were in a place in our marriage that was HORRIBLE. It was like something out of a nightmare. Our daily relationship was a nightmare that was sometimes clouded with good moments.

David came close to mortally injuring me on more than one occasion. And once I even knew that it was nothing short of Guardian Angels protecting me that kept me alive. And prevented Abby (who I was pregnant with though a lot of it) from being harmed.

I struggled for a long time with the fact that no one else ever saw this side of him. Because it's just not like him.

I struggled with the contradictions in his personality. For example, I would SEE the hurt and compassion in his eyes.... but his actions were cruel and mean. (clear as mud?)

After the divorce, I went to see a Friend who has a "Gift" for being able to see beyond the veil that keeps most of us from interacting with the "other side."

She has the ability to see and interact with those who live beyond that veil. Both the good and the bad.

She told me about a Boy. A Little blonde haired boy who was lingering around me. One who had not yet been born. She told me about an Aura (another thing she has a gift with) that was attached to mine, which normally only happens when a pregnancy is underway or in the immediate future. (basically, I was linked to this Boy. Either because I was pregnant, or soon would be.)

She told me of multiple Guardian Angels assigned to me. Which is A) Something my Patriarchal Blessing mentions (and something I had never mentioned to her) and B) very uncommon for those of us who are not children (babies and young children will often or always have multiple Guardian Angels)

And after spending some time with David, she was able to tell me that he was sharing his body with another "entity." A Demon in layman terms. One who hated me with a vengeance and whose job it was to prevent this Boy that lingered around me from joining our Family here on Earth.

She was able to sit down with David. And guide him to the scriptures and steps he needed to use along with the Priesthood to dispel this entity.

She was with David (who was skeptical) for about 2 hours while the Girls and I were outside of the house waiting.

When David came out, he was a different person. And skeptical as he had been, he recounted the experience to me. Told me of this entity. And that they had communicated as it left. It had put up a fight. He had asked it what it wanted, and it told him. And then he commanded it, through the Priesthood, and in the Name of Jesus Christ to leave.

And things have gotten bad at times since then. But NEVER on the level that they were before.

That little boy who she told me about is now a part of our Family. And this Friend actually had a part in naming him.

You may be skeptical. You may think my marbles must be scattered. How ever, after having BEEN in the situation, and knowing FIRST HAND the feelings, and reality of every bit of this story, I can tell you that it is not a story. It really DID happen. And as Joseph Smith once said, "I knew it, and God knew that I knew it. And I could not deny it." SOMETIMES truth is stranger than fiction!

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