Today's Quote

“As parents, we should remember that our lives may be the book from the family library which the children most treasure. Are our examples worthy of emulation? Do we live in such a way that a son or a daughter may say, ‘I want to follow my dad,’ or ‘I want to be like my mother’? Unlike the book on the library shelf, the covers of which shield its contents, our lives cannot be closed. Parents, we truly are an open book in the library of learning of our homes.” Thomas S Monson

Monday, April 12, 2010

Being True to Yourself

What does this really mean? Well, one thing I am starting to think it means is being true to all of the facets of who you are. But not necessarily if that means multiple personalities. I believe that to be a contradiction. There is a Family in our ward, and they seem nice enough. We even seemed to hit it off at first and be sort of Friends with them.

The Husband, Josh is the one who got David the "Spot Job" that introduced him to Anna... the Lady with the Company in Libya.

As Josh and David were both working for Anna the couple of days she needed them, David showed her what a hard worker he is, and how good he is at managing tasks as well as workers.

She brought up the job in Libya, and David jumped on it, while Josh wasn't so impressive. (Yes, of course I'm biased, but that doesn't change the facts ;-)

A month or so later, we ran into this couple, and began talking. David had mentioned the job in Libya to Josh and he was submitting his resume to Anna, and hoping, just as we were for a chance at this multimillion $ job.

We had some common building ground.

And then, suddenly when I'd see them at the store, or at church, they would not even acknowledge me unless I spoke to them directly. And then it was a matter of being SEMI courteous, and exiting.

Not to be a complete jerk, but he bore his Testimony in Sacrament Meeting one Sunday and I SWEAR it was almost verbatim what I would have said. (I was considering taking a turn)

It was all about how this whole situation with him being unemployed for over 6 months now has been such a learning and faith promoting experience.

THEN, we are out in the foyer of our church right after the meeting. David was speaking with the Bishop, and I had to run to the van. I left the 3 Girls sitting on the couch in the foyer. And when I came back, Josh was talking to them like our families were good Friends. And exited as soon as I got back.

Can you say "Um, NO! You Creep!"

He has continued to make a HUGE deal throughout the ward about this job, and it really makes it hard for David or me to be able to talk to anyone about it, because he puts on such a show, that by the time we mention it, every one's like "Oh, yeah, Josh was just talking about that."

So, just for curiosity sake, I looked him up on line. And this guy seems to have a LOT of alias' as well as...well personalities.

Now, I don't know if he has caught on yet, or not. But this job in Libya just isn't happening. And yet he seems to be holding onto it pretty tightly. I guess that's his prerogative. And being what I would consider a harmless delusion, getting "cosy" with My Daughters is NOT what I would consider harmless.

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