Today's Quote

“As parents, we should remember that our lives may be the book from the family library which the children most treasure. Are our examples worthy of emulation? Do we live in such a way that a son or a daughter may say, ‘I want to follow my dad,’ or ‘I want to be like my mother’? Unlike the book on the library shelf, the covers of which shield its contents, our lives cannot be closed. Parents, we truly are an open book in the library of learning of our homes.” Thomas S Monson

Friday, April 2, 2010

Ok, so now that I'm on the record

I have to laugh as I roll my eyes.

The Grange Family is one I have known since Jr High. The Eldest Daughter, Katie and I were friends.

The problem was that I was more popular, and the Guys SHE liked throughout our teenage/early adult years liked ME.

Conceited? No, TRUE!

We went to a Singles dance with a group of Friends after High School. I met a guy that I "hit it off with." He asked for my #, and I said I'd give it to him after the dance. Katie danced with him later.... and they were married like 6 months later. Good For HER! He was hard to understand (he had a speech impediment) and we weren't a good match.

But she's literally HATED me ever since.

Such is Life! I couldn't care less.

Unfortunately though, her younger brother and I hit it off shortly after that. Right before he left to go on a mission.

Here's the thing.... all of you must have figured out by now that I have NEVER cared what people think of me unless it actually interferes with my ability to exist peacefully.

I do not bother people who don't bother me.

It's become a known reason why people resent me. Because I have and always WILL live my life for ME. People have told me that in High School, they admired me. And then felt so let down when they found out I wasn't as perfect as they thought I was.

Well, first of all, I do not put on "false airs." If you thought I was a certain way, I prolly was. (no, I never have and never will claim to be perfect... but I'm just saying that the qualities people admired were no act.) However, after High School, I took a different path than the one I had walked during High School. But both were for me and no one else. I have NEVER tried to "please" ANYONE.

Well, Katie's Family regarded me "loosely" while I interacted with... and dated her brother. They knew that she no longer cared to be friends with me, but had never had a problem with me. So they were cordial, but kept a safe distance. Then, he and I broke up.

Years passed. And I got on with my life. Got married. Started a Family.

And Jared and I crossed paths again.

His Family took a little bit different approach due to the fact that they had been why we broke up the first time, because I was married with children, and because none of them really liked the way Katie handled life anyway.

They were cautious, but fell in love with The Girls, and gave me the benefit of the doubt.

Like so many others, I let them down.

And Jared, being so afraid to take responsibility, let me take the fall alone.

So, now they know that Katie was right about me all along. And they will NEVER give me another chance.

If ONLY they knew the real story.

It's interesting though. And sad.

Because I have ALWAYS been 100% genuine. 100% upfront.

And let me tell you something: Any "Facts" that were negligibly NOT on the record.... well, it was simply a matter of NOTDB! You see, I will never, and have never hidden ANYTHING from ANYONE. But that doesn't mean I am going to use it as a conversation opener.

Once in a while, David will "suggest" that I don't go 100% naked on a topic. And HE has jumped in before when I was about to lay it all on the table, and diverted. Jared was the same way. But with David, it is his way of protecting me. And unfortunately with Jared, I think it was to protect HIM.

Now, there is a slight window of argument left open right here for when David and I used to fight in our previous relationship. And let me tell you right now, that sometimes the truth is staring someone in the face and they refuse to acknowledge it. And you tell them that it is what it appears, and they still don't want to accept that it is what it is. So, you stop waving it in their face, and concede to let them keep their illusions.... even if that involves a "cover story."

But I promise this here and now: Ask me a question straight up, and I will tell you the truth straight up. That is how it is, always has been, and always will be with ONE condition. If it puts my Children in danger to tell you the truth because YOUR motives aren't 100% (or they are misguided) and I sense that, then I will do what I need to and protect them over leveling with you. BUT I will NEVER not be straight up to protect ME. Or even David. And for SURE not to protect someone else.


Anonymous said...

I think that the way you live life is the ONLY way to live it. It took me a while to get there but to be 100% honest in all things, regardless if it hurts someone, is the only way to be. Good on you for voicing it!!! =)

Candace said...

Thank you Jen! That means a lot!
