Today's Quote

“As parents, we should remember that our lives may be the book from the family library which the children most treasure. Are our examples worthy of emulation? Do we live in such a way that a son or a daughter may say, ‘I want to follow my dad,’ or ‘I want to be like my mother’? Unlike the book on the library shelf, the covers of which shield its contents, our lives cannot be closed. Parents, we truly are an open book in the library of learning of our homes.” Thomas S Monson

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Well, I guess I have figured out the "secret" to getting through to David when I'm mad. He went to bed while I was typing my post last night. And when I was done, I (thinking he was prolly asleep, but didn't care either way) went into our room, took a couple of pillows from my side of the bed, went downstairs to the futon, and got myself comfortable without a WORD. Not 2 min layer, he came storming downstairs. It was 1 am at this point. I informed him that I was trying to be mature about the situation, and get to bed since we had an early morning. And told him that if he didn't get to bed ASAP, there was NO way I was going to allow myself or the Children to ride to Vernal with him because I couldn't risk him falling asleep while driving. I also told him that if he was going to let the situation with Alicia (his ex) and FB stop us from going today, then he really WAS choosing HER over me.

He went upstairs, got my phone (for an alarm clock) and came and lay down on the floor next to the futon. He said he was "Sorry for hurting my feelings." ANd when I mentioned that he wasn't going to get any sleep on the floor, he said "Then come upstairs to bed with me, because I need to sleep next to my Wife tonight."

I told him that going upstairs with him was my contribution to making things better, and that was that.

This morning went surprisingly well. ESPECIALLY when you consider that all though it is normal for me to be up till the wee hours of the morning, it is NOT normal for me to be up at 5 am.... which I DID manage this morning. We had everyone out the door at 7 am on the DOT! We stopped by Smith's for some doughnuts and drinks, and were officially on the road by 7:15.

WE made it to Vernal by 9:15, got all 4 Children into the church, diapers changed, and we were out the door before 9:30. Our Session at the Temple didn't start until 11. So, we had and hour and a half to kill. David sat in the Chapel until I got there at about 10:30 (I chose to do some Initiatories to kill some time.) We were asked to be the Witness Couple for the Session.

The experience at the Temple was AWESOME. I had NOTHING on my mind, and David and I were getting along SUPERBLY! (the topic from the night before, well, we both realized it just wasn't worth continuing to discuss ;-)

For ONCE I had NOTHING on my mind. No worries, nothing I was stressed about (it was all waiting for me outside, but for those 3 hours it was just quiet in my busy mind ;-)

We got done, got changed, and walked over to the Church to get the Children. Where we were greeted with news of how well Jacob did! YAY! It took us about an hour to get everyone collected and loaded. Then we headed home.

Just over the State Line into Wyoming, there is a Country Store/Restaurant where we stopped to stretch our legs and so I could switch seats with Elizabeth who we found out on the way TO the Temple, gets car sick (fortunately, we found out there was a problem BEFORE she threw up! So she sat upfront through the 20 miles or so of switch backs and crazy turns... and then we switched.... since the back is a bit cramped for a Child of MY size ;-). I found a Moose bell for $5 and David bought it for me. ♥

We were home by 5:30. And the fight from the night before was done and forgotten.

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