Today's Quote

“As parents, we should remember that our lives may be the book from the family library which the children most treasure. Are our examples worthy of emulation? Do we live in such a way that a son or a daughter may say, ‘I want to follow my dad,’ or ‘I want to be like my mother’? Unlike the book on the library shelf, the covers of which shield its contents, our lives cannot be closed. Parents, we truly are an open book in the library of learning of our homes.” Thomas S Monson

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Yada yada yada

I REALLY truly don't get people sometimes. For my Friend who "has mental issues," I say: I think you might just be more sane than a HUGE percentage of the people "without" the issues you face. You're realitively in tune with yourself, and as you said, the first step is acknowledging that there is a problem. MANY MANY MANY people have NO idea they HAVE a problem. So, I for one would rather have you in my corner than them!

Which takes me back to my first line : I REALLY truly don't get people sometimes.

Person A for example. Nice enough. We get along just fine. I'm pretty sure her husband doesn't like me AT ALL. I've heard that it's because I'm loud. This is true, so, maybe that is the real reason. But I am SURE there's more to it than that. Anyhow, Person A and I get along just fine.... but I don't know if that's really the case. She has a business and I have been a patron of this business. But I feel a lot of the time as though that is the ONLY interest she has in me. And I don't like that feeling. When I was in labor with Jacob, I got a text from her asking if I needed anything because she was placing an order. No congrats after he was born.... in fact she seems to keep her distance since he was born. And No, I don't need that acknowledgement, however, I don't like feeling that I'm only any good to her if I'm buying things and she's making $ off of me. So, when I changed to my new FB profile, I didn't transfer her over to the new one, and like almost everyone else, I deleted her off of the old one. And there are Friends of hers that she out of the blue deleted off of HERS. And they don't have any idea why. And I think they are hurt, and confused. But she isn't acting any differently from what I have observed. So......????? Any of my business? NOPE. BUT I have other Friends that are also Friends of hers, and I KNOW they are still on her Friends list. And it makes me wonder what it is she "values" in a friendship.

I don't mean to cause problems. And I wouldn't be bringing this up except her demeanor is what I would consider so straight forward. I have even come to admire her in a lot of ways. But there HAS to be something there that isn't obvious. I have my theories, and hunches. But none of them will prolly ever be more than just that. And that's fine. I just worry about the people who are truly invested in the friendships they have with her because unfortunately, I think she doesn't invest in friendships the way a lot of her Friends do. Clear as mud? ;-)

Meanwhile, I am frustrated again with Person M. ( no rhyme or reason to using that letter.... just wanting to show the level of distance between Person A and the next topic. They are only related by my frustration with both ;-)

Person M is someone who I expect to have an emotional investment in my life. And if she does, it's an odd one.

A week or so ago, it was brought to my attention that a few Friends had somehow been removed from my Friends list. One of them brought it to my attention. And I looked into it immediately. I noticed that Person M was also missing. And I knew that from everything else, she had not removed me (or at least it was VERY unlikely.) But I did not re add her for a couple of reasons: a) yes, I wanted to see if she noticed, because b) she didn't seem to ever look at my page.

It took her at least a week after that to notice. So, I re added her and let her know what had happened. And since then, I do not believe she has even visited my page.

So as I said, "Yada, Yada, Yada." Because in the scheme of things, this is stupid. And that's the point. I HATE stupid ;-)


Ginger said...

So this person A ;)--It has occurred to me to wonder what she 'values' as well. And my 'hunch' as to why she may have deleted these friends has been that maybe she doesn't like their 'dirty' mouths on Fb AND since I have said many times that if you do not like what I say on there then you should unfriend me then I can't fault her for doing just that to her friends. And these friends should reassure themselves that, does Fb really matter if she's still their friend in 'real' life. Oh damn, this friend stuff is getting confusing.

Anyways, at first I was like 'well, if she doesn't like my dirty mouth then she doesn't like me' but I thought that harsh and decided I'm much less dirty in person usually so maybe she's decided to keep our contact limited to face-to-face, which is fine for me. Fb is becoming a pain in my ass lately...if you'll notice I've tried to be on there alot less or be alot less prolific at least.

Candace said...

Yes, FB is like a BIG HS! ;-)
