Today's Quote

“As parents, we should remember that our lives may be the book from the family library which the children most treasure. Are our examples worthy of emulation? Do we live in such a way that a son or a daughter may say, ‘I want to follow my dad,’ or ‘I want to be like my mother’? Unlike the book on the library shelf, the covers of which shield its contents, our lives cannot be closed. Parents, we truly are an open book in the library of learning of our homes.” Thomas S Monson

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Our House

We just spoke to Laramie, the Realtor handling the house in Tooele. It turns out that the family selling the house is signing papers to Lease it to someone for 2 years. We have to have a pre approval in hand by June 1st if we want to buy it.... which is what they prefer to do. So, if David gets this job in Alaska, and we have an actual offer from them by the 21st of May, we might actually have a chance. Otherwise, we can pretty much let it go and look elsewhere.

I know it's just a house. And I truly want what God has in mind for Our Family. Because I KNOW He cares, and knows best. But I have so many plans and dreams that work so well with this house that I can't even imagine finding one more perfect for us. And I really will be truly sad if we have to find a different house to turn into our home.

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