Today's Quote

“As parents, we should remember that our lives may be the book from the family library which the children most treasure. Are our examples worthy of emulation? Do we live in such a way that a son or a daughter may say, ‘I want to follow my dad,’ or ‘I want to be like my mother’? Unlike the book on the library shelf, the covers of which shield its contents, our lives cannot be closed. Parents, we truly are an open book in the library of learning of our homes.” Thomas S Monson

Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Beginning of the End and other thoughts on my Beliefs from this week

Next week is Easter. For us "Mormons" it is also General Conference. This is a 2 day event where we spend from 10 am until Noon, and then 2 pm until 4 pm each day (Saturday and Sunday) listening to those we consider our Religious Leaders (we refer to them as General Authorities.)

This particular General Conference eludes to be significant. I believe that this past week has marked a significant point in history with the Health care Bill passed by Congress. I only know a little about the exact details of the Bill. However, what I have learned leads me to believe that this Bill is more or less Unconstitutional.

For Members of the LDS Church who know their "Church History" and the things that have been written by Our Leaders throughout the past 2 centuries, this is a key point in what we believe will transpire prior to "The End of the World." ( I am using a lot of general terms.... I am not a "doomsday/apocalypse/end of existence" type of person)

Here's what I'm getting at: I believe that this is the beginning of "The End." The end of what exactly, I do not know. But I do believe that "The End" will encompass the America that we know changing DRASTICALLY. The History of the world shows several time frames where things have happened similar to how things are happening right now. The United States of America are at a point where other countries have been at one time or another. And in all of the other instances the outcome was a complete breakdown before things were rebuilt. And when they were rebuilt it was always as a completely different country.... or multiple countries.

Anyway it happens we are basically guaranteed that this situation we are currently in is going to decline. And eventually be drastic.

There are Scholars out there who have believed for some time now that it will be a complete break down resulting in a Civil War and eventually the United States will be divided and separated into several different Countries' territories.

However you choose to view it. It looks like a good time to take into consideration the things written in the "Book Of Revelations" (New Testament of the Bible.)

One thing David and I have discussed recently is that it speaks of the "Mark of the Beast in their hands and on their foreheads."

Throughout my life, I have come to understand through the teachings I have received, that this will entail some sort of mandatory bar coding system insisted upon by the government. In Revelations, John warns against accepting this system. As David and I were discussing this the other day, he commented that he believes that many of our Faith, who know the warning will still choose to comply. Let this be my "Two Cents" that those of you who believe in the "Book of Revelations" consider the warning it contains if this scenario ever arises.

In the mean time this is a good time to take Food Storage very seriously. Also make sure for those of you who are LDS, that you ARE paying your tithing.


Another thing I want to touch on quickly is "Keeping the Sabbath Day Holy." Many view it as specific to "Mormons." However, it is in fact one of the original 10 Commandments, dating back in Christian Beliefs AND Non Christian Beliefs to Moses.

I have been working really hard the past month or so to take this to heart, and use the "Sabbath" which for us is Sunday, as a day of rest. I do not do laundry or any cleaning (beyond basic maintenance) on Sunday, if I can help it. I try to get the grocery shopping, laundry and cleaning done by the time I go to bed Saturday night so that Sunday can be a peaceful day.

I don't know how much it has helped us as a Family. However, I do know that in light of David's recent escalation in outbursts, I believe it to be the reason that I am able to remain calmer, and handle the situation rationally and without loosing control myself.

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