Today's Quote

“As parents, we should remember that our lives may be the book from the family library which the children most treasure. Are our examples worthy of emulation? Do we live in such a way that a son or a daughter may say, ‘I want to follow my dad,’ or ‘I want to be like my mother’? Unlike the book on the library shelf, the covers of which shield its contents, our lives cannot be closed. Parents, we truly are an open book in the library of learning of our homes.” Thomas S Monson

Sunday, March 28, 2010

What sign is stuck to my back?

I can't help but wonder if I have a sign on my back.... maybe on my forehead, that says "I don't know anything.... PLEASE fix this," or "I'm incredibly naive...please enlighten me," or SOMETHING! That EVERYONE but the GR PD can read. The one the PD sees says "Guilty As Sin."

The reason I bring this up is because it is a pretty regular occurance for people to feel the need to "enlighten" me on topics that I usually know more about than they do.... I just don't feel the need to broadcast it.

I TRY to live by the rule that "It's better to stay quiet and be thought a Fool, than to open your mouth and prove it." Now, I know I don't always succeed. And my temper is normally somewhere in the equation during the times when I forget to stick to it.

But here is the example that makes me bring this up:

We were at a Friend's house. I said "We've been pregnant the same # of times even though you have more kids than I do." She said "Are you sure?" I did the math and said "Yes." She then said "Well, actually, I had a miscarriage.... so technically I've been pregnant more times than you have." It normally wouldn't have bothered me, but she said it sort of in a condescending way. What SHE doesn't know, because almost NO body knows unless they've paid REALLY close attention, is that I've actually had 3 separate miscarriages. That gives me a total of 7 pregnancies to her 5. Again, a big deal? Not usually.

However, it was sort of magnified by the fact that this seems to be a realitively frequent thing. To have people try to "Teach" me without ever finding out if I need to be taught. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that few people realize just how assertive I really am. If I have a question about something, I will ask. Or if I don't know something, and am needing "enlightening" I usually seek out the information. If I don't ask, I'm prolly not curious about it.

After having 3 miscarriages for different reasons, I mentioned to someone who was REALLY stressing me out during one of my first viable pregnancies that they needed to back off (I was in a very "iffy" time during the pregnancy, and I was afraid the stress (it was an incredibly STRESSFUL situation) was going to start a miscarriage)
in order to avoid a miscarriage. This person told me that stress would not cause me to micarry. Well, I kept my mouth shut at the time, because it was NONE of this person's business, but I had already had THREE miscarriages, and I knew the role stress could play.... and I really wanted to punch them for that comment. In fact honestly, I've never gotten 100% over that situation and it has affected my relationship with them.

I was also in a situation this past pregnancy with Jacob, where a friend and I had gotten into a disagreement. It was at the VERY beginning of the pregnancy. Actually the DAY before I found out I was for sure pregnant. The next day, (the day I found out I was pregnant) I got rammed in the back with a shopping cart at Walmart (Black Friday shopping). Later that week, David and I got together with this Friend and her Husband. They had to pick me up and then David met us at their house. As we were driving, the Husband I think was trying to bully me (we no longer do things with them). I am not the kind to be bullied. So of course I stood my ground. However, he got out of the car to run into the store, and I told his wife that I would appreciate it if I didn't ever have to deal with him again like that for the sake of the pregnancy. His bullying, thank heaven did no damage. But it was another classic case of people making assumptions that they know more than I do, and that they need to "teach" me. He of course had no idea that I had a history of miscarriages, since it was NOHDB, and prolly had no idea that he was potentially posing a threat.... then again, he's the type of person who prolly wouldn't have cared anyway. But that's a different story all together.

As I'm typing this, I'm seeing a pattern. People seem to assume these kinds of things normally when I am pregnant or discussing something that has to do with pregnancy.

So, let me just say this: I have been pregnant 7 times. I have miscarried 3. I am NO Dr or Midwife... but at least when it comes to MY BODY, MY PREGNANCIES, and MY Miscarriages, I know what I am talking about.

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